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Sew a Quilt Square

In this 1 1/2 hour one-time class learn how to sew a quilt square. All materials are provided. Bring your own machine or use ours.

This is a beginner class. You will make one 10" by 10" quilt?block using pre-cut fabric.

Students?must have basic sewing skills for this class.?Age 18 and up. Under 18 with a guardian.

Materials Included: Fabric, thread
Requirements: Must know how to sew on a sewing machine.
Instructor: {{item.instructor}}
Includes all materials.

{{model.event.first_date}} - {{model.event.last_date}} {{model.event.sections.length}} Sessions {{model.event.sections[0].time}}
{{}} {{s.time}}

Seats available {{model.remainingSeats()}}



Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.